First blog post EVER

First blog post EVER

So I’ve never had a blog before, but I was bored one day and got inspired to make a website, which then led to a blog. I am a writer, so it’s not like I’ve never written anything.

I doubt this blog will go far, ’cause I have no idea what I’m doing or how to get noticed. Especially how to get noticed. I’m gonna do some research on having a blog and whatnot, but at least I already have some idea on what to write. It’s just…I want people to actually read it.

So yeah, if you’re reading this then BY GOD ALMIGHTY THANK YOU. I’d appreciate if you kept reading my stuff, follow me via email, bookmark my page, do something. I mean you’re still reading so must like me a bit…right?


  • Mental Illness (mainly depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder)
  • Being a teen cause I am one
  • Some of my past experiences (what a surprise…)
  • LGBTQA+ Issues or just my experiences with being Queer
  • Current events that interest me enough to research
  • TV shows (things such as theories)

Also, ANY ADVICE? If you’re a current blogger, or better yet and kinda well-known one, I would love it if you could lend me some advice about having a blog and stuff. I feel like I’m playing a tennis match myself and it’d be great if someone could help out a little, ya know?

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