Nothing Is Permanent (Advice)

Nothing Is Permanent (Advice)

I’m laying in bed and its almost eleven at night. I have this huge weight on my chest and if you saw my post titled, “School Dance = Anxiety Attack” and I’m getting the warning signs of a panic attack.

I just took a deep breath, and I really tried to think what could make me feel better instead of wallowing in my worry like always. Then it hit me: after tomorrow the problem will be over. Sure, I’ll think about it for weeks after, but I won’t be experiencing it like I am now. This is temporary.

No, I’ll always have anxiety, BUT this exact feeling about this exact moment will vanish sooner or later.

I remember there is this one saying and it was, “Don’t worry over something you can’t control.” And yeah, I guess that helps , but not as much as “it’s not permanent“, at least for me it helps more.

Think about it, you remember one problem that worried you for days or weeks, and then when the final day came to act… That was it. The moment passed, you’ve moved on .

Think about last year and all those problems, some might still be around, it not all.

I use this advice a lot for Gym class. I get really anxious and scared when it comes to competitive games and sports (unless its just some friends causally playing around) and so I get so caught up in what I can’t do and how anxious I get, and how I need to do this.

Then the ” its not permanent ” motto comes into play. Or in this case it also means, “It won’t matter.” Because in Collage there is no Gym class, I’m not pursuing any degree related to sports. Therefore, in “the real working world” it also won’t matter what I did in Gym class.

Yes, I should pass the grade, but I don’t need to worry over how I’m not as good.

Yes, I still feel like crying, but I know in a few weeks the school dance won’t even cross anyone’s mind. Maybe I’ll try to explain this motto to my mother since she’ll likely ask about me going to the dance again.

Just remember, everything will change, sometime or another, not even permanent markers are forever. I hope this helps, feel free to comment another other related mottos you have or have heard!

I think I can rest easy now.

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