Why I DON’T Want A Superpower

Why I DON’T Want A Superpower

Superpowers are great and all, but when people ask what power I would have in real life, I’m reluctant to choose.

REALISTICALLY, superpowers are going to have side affects. You can’t just have an awesome advantage, without some setbacks, that’s not life. (Seriously, haven’t you seen the movie Chronicle?)

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For instance: Super Strength.

Let’s say you’re extremely strong, like the Hulk or Superman himself, so you can lift, throw, carry heavy things and so on. But if there’s a time where you have to be careful and delicate? Maybe you’re making some coffee and need to lift up the cup? Then YOU FLING THE CUP AT THE CEILING AND HOT COFFEE GOES EVERYWHERE! You’re nice cup of coffee was just ruin because you couldn’t control your awesome strength.

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Or you have the ability to run fast, but in reality it’s hard for you to NOT run fast and it’s also difficult to control. (My friend thought of this one) You trip over something, then you’re flying through the air at 1000 miles per second,but have no way to stop. You either leave Earth’s gravitational field or hit a wall, so you die.

Wanna read minds? Think again, what if you can never stop reading minds? Then you constantly hear people’s real thoughts and they never shut up!

You think controlling people would be cool? What if you begin to accidentally/subconsciously control others? Then you might be controlling people to like you and you’ll never know who has free will and who doesn’t!

Oh what’s that? You want to turn invisible? Well then you gotta be naked, because your clothes don’t have the superpower. But what if one day you forget you’re naked and turn visible again? What then?

Want the ability to control fire? WELL THEN YOU BETTER WEAR OVEN MITTENS, ’cause you’re going to accidentally set SO MANY things on fire. Same thing if you want to control water, you might cause a tsunami if you aren’t paying attention, or drown someone with the wave of your hand! Wanna control the wind? So I’m guessing you want to start a bunch of tornadoes then?

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So please, think about what superpower you want, and think of the pain it will cause. This has been a PSA. 

I’m Sinnamon Tongue and I approve this message, and if you wish to help others, please comment any side affects of other powers. 

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